Dr. Bernd Klauer
Areas of Research: Social sciences water research, sustainability
JWP: Belmont Partner, Principal Investigator, Germany
Biographical Information
Dr. Klauer is senior scientist in the economics department of the UFZ and head of the UFZ social-science-water-research working group comprising economists, lawyers, political scientists, philosophers.
Dr. Klauer led a series of integrated, interdisciplinary projects particularly on the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive – a best-practice example for Integrated Water Resources Management. He advised the European Commission as well as German water authorities on economic aspects of that directive. He co-organized the 2007 Biannual Conference of the European Society of Ecological Economics and many national and international workshops. As a reviewer he served for the European Commission (DG Research), the Finish and the Portuguese Academy of Sciences.
Trained as a mathematician he holds a PhD in economics. His thesis was entitled “Sustainability and the Evaluation of Nature”. Over the last decade he worked on biodiversity and land-use management but his main area of interest is water management. He is experienced in economic and alternative evaluation methods as well as input-output analysis and ecological economic modeling. He published additionally on topics like uncertainty and ignorance, transdisciplinarity, responsibility for sustainability, participation, governance and institutions.
Dr. Klauer also lectures at the University of Leipzig.
Professional Activities
Dr. Klauer led a series of integrated, interdisciplinary projects particularly on the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive – a best-practice example for Integrated Water Resources Management. He advised the European Commission as well as German water authorities on economic aspects of that directive.
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research- UFZ, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany